Everyone may feel anxious at some point. Anxiety can be very helpful in helping a person avoid dangerous situations and motivating them to solve journal problems. Anxiety can range in severity, from mild restlessness to a terrible panic attack. This can also vary in duration, from minutes to years. Anxiety disorders tend to begin in childhood, adolescence or early age. The average age of onset is 11 years.
Physical Symptoms:
Psychological Symptoms of Anxiety:
Excessive, unrealistic fear and concerns about past and future events. Accelerated or blank mind. Decreased concentration and memory,irritability, impatience, indecision, restlessness, anger, confusion, feeling on edge, fatigue, sleep disorder, intense dreams.
Behavioral Symptoms:
Avoid situations, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, don’t feel comfortable in social situations, phobic behaviors.
What to do if I’m anxious?
Seek professional help, research shows that both medications and therapies are effective in treating anxiety. Strategies may include relaxation, exercise, self-help books, meditation, among others.
Useful Resources: Libro de Bourne. E (2005) The anxiety an phobia Workbook. ASSMCA (787-763-7575) www.proyectovision.net. Línea Paz 1-800-981-0023 1-888-672-7622