Different substances affect the brain in different ways. This substance use disorder causes problems at work, school, health problems, or legal and family problems. The use of alcohol, drugs or others does not necessarily mean that the person suffers from a substance abuse disorder. Substance use tends to appear in adolescence or early adulthood and the average age is at the beginning of age 20. 75% of people develop substance use disorder before age 27. This is more common in men than in women. Substance use disorders often occur in combination with mood, anxiety and psychotic disorders. People with mood or anxiety disorders are two or three times more likely to have substance use disorders.
Substance dependence and abuse are not the same, as substance abuse including alcohol can go unnoticed but warrants treatment.
What can I do to avoid substance use?
Useful Resources: ASSMCA (787-763-7575), Línea PAZ 1-800-981-0023, 1-888-672-7622, www.Proyectovision.net. Tel. 1-800-662-9832, Libro: The Healing Project (2008) Voices of Alcoholism.